Start your journey on the right foundation with expert Vastu guidance for plots.
A land that was a burial ground, or a crematorium is not suitable for living. Ideally, it should be flat level ground. A land on a hill is also not a suitable. If it is on a slope, then the land sloping down toward the north or east is ok, but if it is sloping to the west, it is not good.
A valley or a large pit around the land or depression in the ground is inauspicious.
A plot situated between two larger plots is not good as it brings poverty.
If the plot is next to a bridge, it is not auspicious – particularly if the bridge is on the north or east side. You can compromise if it is on the south or west side.
Don’t buy a plot with obstructions like hills, tall buildings or towers on the north, northeast or east sides as the sun’s rays will be blocked. However such things on the west or south sides are auspicious as they bring health, wealth, and happiness as they block the harmful western rays.
Similarly, water source located on the southwest side of a building will bring misery. If the plot has a well, swimming pool, lake, river or a stream flowing on the north east it is auspicious.
If there is an electrical power supply station or large electric pole on the northeast side of the plot, it is not good for the vibrations.
The plot should not be within twice the distance of the height of the house to any public place like temple, hospital, factory, etc. If the distance is more than that, then it is ok. The house should be at least 80 ft or more away from any temple. The gate should not face a temple, and the shadow of a temple should not fall on the house.
Avoid plots near a meat shop, workshop, laundry, shoe shop, etc.
The fence or the boundary wall should be higher on the west and south and lower on the north and east sides.
The plot with roads running along on all four sides is the best. It brings health, wealth, and happiness.
The plot with roads running along on three sides – on the north, west, and east is not so good. Roads on the north, south, and west are also not so good.
It is inauspicious if there are three roads only on the east, south, and west.
If there are roads on only the east and north side, that is good.
If there are roads on the west and north, it is average.
The plot with a road running along and ending at the northeast corner is very good. But if the road ends in any other part of the plot it is usually not good.
A road on the east or north side of the plot is good, but a road on the south or west side is not so good.
The plot on a T or Y intersection is not auspicious.
The best plot is the square one followed by the rectangular one. The four sides of the plot should be towards the four main directions. A hexagon shaped plot ( 8 even sides) is also good.
The direction of the plot: The direction that the front of a property faces is important.
Plot Facing East is good for scholars, philosophers, priests, professors, teachers, etc.
Plot facing North is good for those in power, administration and those who work for a government.
Plot facing South is good for the business class and for those who work in business organizations.
Plot facing West is for those who provide supporting services to the society.
If the plot of land does not squarely face the four cardinal directions, and if the road does not run in one of the four cardinal directions, the house should be built facing the four directions
Shape and size of the plot: The best shapes for plots of land are square or rectangular, facing squarely on the four cardinal directions.
It is good if the plot is narrower at the entrance and wider at its rear, but the opposite is not good.
Round, oval, and triangular plots should be avoided. The house should not be built in the shape of a diamond, with the corner facing north. L-shaped plots are also inauspicious and should not be purchased. If the land is cut in the corner this is not good. If possible the land to fill in the missing corner should be purchased. If the land is cut short on the northeast side it is very bad and is not auspicious; do not purchase it. It is like a headless body.
A land tilt of 20 degrees, off square by 20 degrees, is acceptable. If the plot is rectangular, it is better that the longer sides run north to south rather than west to east. The best properties are either square or rectangular. If the plot is not a perfect rectangle, it is best if at least the southwest and southeast sides of the land are at 90º angles from one another. The southwest side of the quadrilateral should definitely not be extended past the southeast side, even if that means giving away a portion of the plot. Land that extends past the northeast side of the quadrilateral, however, brings wealth, happiness, and good name. Land extending on the northeast side is very good. Extensions on any other side are inauspicious. Extensions of the northwest side will cause you to lose money and peace.
The following chart shows the different shapes of plots and their suitability and effects.